
A punto de diluviar

No tengo nada que escribir, salvo escuchar canciones y más canciones...
Según Kirby, todos los jueves debemos cambiar de nombre: hoy me llamaré Crédula.
Somedays I want love, somedays I don't
Sometimes I can feel it then suddenly it's gone
Some days I can tell you the truth, and somedays I just don't
Only a change of mood, sun goes down
Someone says something too quick or too soon
A touch not made, one made too late
Armies of words can not hope to contain
That it comes and it goes, and I have no control

Somedays I can think clear, somedays I won't
Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly it's gone
Somedays I am strong and somedays my skin's broken and thin
It arrives when it feels, and takes what it needs
And it leaves before i get to know
It's only a step away, moments
Then armies of words can not hope to contain

That it comes and it goes, and I can't make it hold
And there's nothing I own and it breaks me when it goes

Somedays I want love, somedays I don't
Sometimes I can feel it then suddenly it's gone
Some days I can tell you the truth, and somedays I just don't
Only a change of mood, drink comes out
Someone does something too quick or too soon
A move not made, one made too late
Armies of words can not hope to contain

That it comes and it goes and I can't seem to hold
And theres nothing I won an it breaks me when it goes

1 comentario:

  1. Incapaz de mirar por sus ojos
    Sin salida en el callejón
    Sin rastro de la fé
    Solo encontro dolor.

    Entonces me equivoque
    Volvio aquel rumor
    Me olvidare de mi
    Me dejare arrastrar
    Por esa cuerda
    Que nunca acaba de empezar.

